Human - Southland Arts Festival 2019 - Southland, New Zealand - Credit Dave & Debbie Tose, 2D Photography (41)
Based in Invercargill the Southland Arts Festival is a month-long celebration of the very best in arts and culture.
Human was a mesmerising performance that showcases what the human body is capable of.
LicenceWorldwide Public Use - All UsesWorldwide Public Use - All Uses: Royalty free use worldwide for commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided the asset's use promotes the Southland region or Great South's initiatives and the photographer is credited.Expiry
No expiry date
Release dateAdded atUpdated at:Source:Great South Visual LibraryCredit
Dave & Debbie Tose - 2D Photography
LocationILT Stadium SouthlandInvercargillInvercargillNew ZealandView full term of use