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Halfmoon Bay - Stewart Island - Southland, New Zealand - Credit Great South (2)

Halfmoon Bay - Stewart Island - Southland, New Zealand - Credit Great South (2)

Halfmoon Bay lies on the eastern coast of Stewart Island (Rakiura). Oban, the island’s only township and the base for most activities, is nestled at the head of the bay, where a small fishing fleet and the daily ferry service from Bluff dock.

Asset type image
Asset extension JPG
File size 7.31 MB
Dimensions 3831×1823px
ID 448132


Licence Worldwide Public Use - Non-Commercial Worldwide Public Use - Non-Commercial: Royalty free use worldwide for non-commercial purposes only, provided the asset's use promotes the Southland region or Great South's initiatives and the photographer is credited.
Expiry No expiry date
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